OOC Information:

What is your discord name (e.g oasis#8222)


What is your steam name? (Please also provide a link)

_crums_ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199140168391/

How many hours per week will you be able to dedicate to the business?


Does your Business provide Roleplay? (Give Examples Please)

Yes it will due to it being a bike dealership and mechanic all the MC and anyone one who wants a bike will have to come to Sanders to purchase a motorcycle because we would sell and work on motorcycles.

What do you need from us to make your business happen? (e.g. MLO, Custom Scripts)

A mechanic script and a dealership script and to put in the mlo I have chosen

IC Information:

What’s your business name?

Sanders Motorcycles

What’s your Business do for the community?

My business will provide the community with a place where they can buy bikes and get their bikes worked on all in one place and we could host events for the city as-well.

Do you have any previous experience as a Business Owner?

Yes I do I use to run NRMA in a old city until I decided to sell that business and move from that city to pursue higher things.

Please tell us about yourself and your background.

My name is Calum Fy, I was born on the 10/10/1998 and I am a man who loves motorbikes. I grew up in a small town in Aberdeen with my mother, until she passed away. I then moved to Australia at the age of 19 where I worked as a apprentice to a bike mechanic for the next four years until I found my Dad riding around in a MC so i packed my things and joined the Mc as a Hang-around until I was finally given my prospect kutte and i have been rolling with the Mc for the past year.

rCan you tell us where your Business is located? (Provide a photo using imgur.com


Explain how your business would be run with day-to-day operations (200+ Words)

My Business (Sanders) would run as much as it can we would have staff trained to sell the bikes but they will also be trained as a mechanic as well so they can perform both jobs incase they are the only ones on duty at the time. There will be different type of jobs at sanders like Owner, 2 Managers one for the dealership and one for the Mechanic, they would just look after there own side of sanders and would be in-charge of that department, then there would be the sales reps and there job is to sell the bikes and try to get the best possible deal off the bike as they can and finally there would be the mechanics and there job would be to work on the bikes that are brought in stuff like repairs, resprays and parts.
The different types of jobs from top to bottom.
Manager 2x
Sales reps (Dealership) Mechanics (Mechanic)
Senior Sales rep Senior Mechanic
Sales rep Mechanic
Jr sales rep Jr Mechanic
trainee trainee

The Owner would look after the business and their employees and would handle all the fiancees and stock. They would also handle the employees pays and promotions. They would also handle customer complaints that the owner would need to handle and tall to the government about bikes that could be added.

The two managers would handle there own department and would look after the employees in there department and would handle and customer complaints that can be handled there unless the owner needs to handle it. They would also relay information to the owner about employees good or bad and they can give promotions with permission from the owner.

The Sales rep job would be to sell bikes to the customers and they would try and handle anything the customers wants or wants to know about the bikes in stock. Each sales rep would earn different amounts of money depending on their job title like Senior Sales rep would earn more than Sales rep and depending on how much bikes they sell.

The Mechanic job would be to fix, respray and do up the customers bikes and they would try handle anything the customer wants or wants to know about their bikes and what they can do with it. Each mechanic would earn different amounts of money depending on their job title like Senior Mechanic would earn more than Mechanic and depending on have much work they do on bikes